The Samsung Galaxy S4 can be connected to your TV in two ways; hard-wired and wireless. Connecting your Samsung Galaxy S4 to your TV could really come in handy if want to enjoy using your smartphone to stream videos and pictures on the device in full glory of High Definition. You can also learn how to connect your Samsung Galaxy S4 your PC.Wireless Connection
To connect your Samsung Galaxy S4 to TV with wireless connection, simply follow the 3-easy steps below.
1. Obtain a Samsung Allshare Hub; connect the Allshare Hub to your TV via a standard HDMI cable.
Hint: If you use a Samsung SmartTV, you do not need to purchase the Allshare Hub.
2. Connect your phone and the AllShare Hub or TV to  the same wireless network.

How To Connect Samsung Galaxy S4 To TV
Hard-wired Connection
In 5-easy steps you can successfully connect your Smartphone to TV.
1. Obtain an MHL adapter that is compatible with the Samsung Galaxy S4.
Hint: Choose your MHL adapter wisely because not all MHL adapters are exatly the same. New models of Samsung devces require an 11-pin adapter.
2. Connect your smartphone to the adapter
3. Connect the adapter to a power source.
4. Use a standard HDMI cable to connect the adapter to the HDMI port on your television.
5. Set the TV to display video from the HDMI port you are using. Once done, the TV will mirror your phone.

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