Programme Manager Marine Products Export Development Authority
MPEDA House, Panampilly Avenue,
P B No.4272
Postal Code: 682036
City Cochin State Kerala
Details :
No of Post: 09 Posts
Pay Scale: Rs. 27,000 (Consolidated)
Educational Requirements: M.Sc. / M.FSc in Fisheries / Industrial Fisheries/ Mariculture/ Aquaculture/ Coastal Aquaculture/ Marine Biology /Aquatic Biology / Zoology with specialization in Fisheries with working knowledge in MS Office & internet based operations.
Qualifications: PhD in closely related field Experience
Requirements: A minimum of two years experience in fishery development activity including ornamental fish breeding and culture. (c) Proficiency in local language
Details will be available at: Download
How To Apply:
1. Application in the prescribed pro-forma should reach “The Secretary, The Marine Products Export Development Authority, MPEDA House, Panampilly Avenue, Panampilly Nagar, Cochin-682036” on or before 30th November 2012.
2. The cover enclosing the application should be superscribed “Application for the post of Programme Manager (OFD) for …………………….. State”
3. Applications for the above post will be considered only subject to the general conditions indicated above.
Last Date: 30/11/2012 Age Limit: 21-35 Years
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