Lakshmi Vilas Bank Limited (LVB) is one of the most popular private banks. LVB is headquartered in Tamilnadu and was founded in 1926. It now has over 290 branches across India with over 1600 employees. LVB has announced recruitment of Clerks and applicatons for the same are being accepted currently from eligible candidates.
Receipt of Registration Slip with DD - Oct 23, 2012
Date of Written Exam: Nov 11, 2012
Age must be between 20yrs – 27yrs as on Oct 1, 2012.
Should be a graduate(any discipline) from a recognized university with computer knowledge.
The Objective type Tests consists of (i) Clerical Aptitude, (ii) Numerical Ability, (iii)
Analytical Ability, (iv) English Language. (Total 200 questions of 200 marks with duration of 120 minutes).
For any Further details about selection Procedure, Please see Lakshmi Vilas Bank Recruitment 2012 notification
After registration of online application, take a print out of the registration slip, enclose the Demand Draft / affix the Passport size photograph and send the same to the given address so as to reach by Oct 23, 2012.
The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd
HRD Department
Clerical Recruitment – 2012
Administrative Office
Salem Road, Kathaparai
Karur – 639006
Last date for online registration is Oct 15 and that for receipt of applications on the given address is Oct 23, 2012.
Apply Online for LVB Clerical Recruitment 2012 or see Official Notice.
Important Dates
Online Registration: Oct 1 to 15, 2012Receipt of Registration Slip with DD - Oct 23, 2012
Date of Written Exam: Nov 11, 2012
Eligibility Criteria
Selection Procedure
The selection of the candidates shall be on the basis of written test and interview. Written test will be of Objective Type Consisting of :-The Objective type Tests consists of (i) Clerical Aptitude, (ii) Numerical Ability, (iii)
Analytical Ability, (iv) English Language. (Total 200 questions of 200 marks with duration of 120 minutes).
For any Further details about selection Procedure, Please see Lakshmi Vilas Bank Recruitment 2012 notification
Application Procedure
The fee for this Application is Rs.300(for ALL Applicants). To be paid by a Demand Draft from any Bank, favouring "The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd" payable at Chennai.The Lakshmi Vilas Bank Ltd
HRD Department
Clerical Recruitment – 2012
Administrative Office
Salem Road, Kathaparai
Karur – 639006
Last date for online registration is Oct 15 and that for receipt of applications on the given address is Oct 23, 2012.
Apply Online for LVB Clerical Recruitment 2012 or see Official Notice.