One of the more peculiar features of Windows 8 is just how much Microsoft buries the shutdown button within its Metro UI – you know, the way you go about turning off your PC when you’re done for the day. You can always switch over to Desktop mode and give it the ol’ alt+F4 to receive your shutdown options. But you can also create actual shutdown tiles that accomplish the same effect in Metro.
Within Desktop mode, right-click on the desktop and create a new shortcut. For it’s “location,” you’ll want to type in the following: shutdown.exe -s -t 00. Feel free to name the shortcut whatever you want (“Nuke it from orbit?”). Once it’s on your desktop, fire up Windows Explorer and move the shortcut to your C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs directory. Jump back to your Metro interface and you’ll see your Shutdown button appear as a brand-new tile. Click once, and off goes your system!