If anyone is interested as to where there is a good place to select a credit card, department stores and gasoline companies are good places to go to. I feel after hearing about the above incident, if you are getting a credit card, it is important to let the company know who can and cannot use your card. It is also wise to pay your bills in full and on time. By doing this, you will establish a good credit history.
After learning about the news of Bank of America, regarding their plan to charge their customers interest for those who miss payment, and since I'm aware that fees and finance charges vary considerably, my advice is to have patience and shop around. You might consider obtaining a card from an out-of state financial institute if it offers better terms than those offered locally.
If you have a bad credit history and problems getting a credit card, try to find a savings institution that will give you a credit card if you open a savings account.
This last suggestion is very important to know about, especially if you are new at applying for a credit card. You must be aware of the fact that debit cards are not credit cards. Debit cards are a substitute for a check or cash. The amount of a sale is immediately subtracted from your checking account if you have a debit card.
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