Firefox Live Bookmarks

Level of expertise required: Medium
Firefox Live Bookmark
Live Bookmarks are a great way to subscribe to RSS feeds to easily keep track of new blog entries, daily news or any other web sites that is updated regularly and offers this service. When you bookmark such a site using the little orange icon, a folder with the title of the site will be created in your bookmarks, all news titles are updated automatically and will be displayed as a bookmark link. Just click on it and you directly access that particular news. You didn't even have to visit the site to see what was new! So now you have an easy way to monitor multiple blogs or news sites with just a quick look. It is very easy to set up. If your site of interest has the little orange icon next to the address bar, it means it provides a RSS feed that you can subscribe with Live Bookmark. Click on it and add the new site in your bookmarks (my preference is to create a folder called "Live Bookmarks" in my personal toolbar for easy access and add all my Live Bookmarks there).